Are you a Cybercrime ‘Victim’ or ‘Accused’ of committing a crime?

Talk to an Expert


Paathik Muni

Cyber Law & Security Expert

Cybercrime can be humiliating, depressing and tricky to deal with. It can be complicated and taxing to deal with all alone. But most of us don’t want to share it with our close ones due to obvious reasons. This can happen to individuals and companies, most ‘Founders’ find themselves alone in such situations. Its difficult to discuss this with anyone in the circle or office. It may just complicate things, so you need a professional, who can understand and guide you to sail through such scenario, while your identity is not revealed.

The very first thought in either conditions is, “I want to speak to someone!”, well do you want to just speak to someone or you want to speak to someone who can help you understand your next steps? The other problem is the stigma or the fear of exposure of your identity.

We have just the prefect solution for you

Speak to our Cyber expert, discuss in detail the law around the situation and next steps of action for a conclusive solution.
You can be completely anonymous, we don’t need any details which can identify you or your company.
Step 1
Choose Your Consultation

Choose if between Telephonic and In-person consultation

Step 2
Schedule Your Slot

Choose the date and time slot for consultation

Step 3
Make Payment

Make the payment as per selected specifics

Step 4
Appointment Confirmation

Your Appointment is confirmed

x 30 Min(s)

"You can enter 'ABC' If you Want to Stay Anonymous"
"You Can Enter '9898989898' if You want To Stay Anonymous"
"We will reach out on this id, register a temporary email id if you want to stay Anonymous"