Data Protection

Data is the currency of the future! Yes, we all have heard of this but how serious are we about it? Most startups have data monetization as a key revenue stream in their business plan but don’t have an efficient process drawn for its protection. Data can also be a big liability of a company in the digital era of business, a single breach can cost a sizeable commercial dent and loss of reputation. Governments have taken a strict cognizance of this, the reflections can be found in regulations such as GDPR and the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill. Companies must take a serious view of this and ensure they have the necessary checks and balances in place defining clearly the methods of collection, storage, and usage of data. As a team of cyberspace professionals, we specialize in understanding the data sets and structure them to your business model. Our services include:

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Man working on laptop computer keyboard with graphic user interface GUI hologram showing concepts of big data science technology, digital network connection and computer programming algorithm.


Advisory on regulatory issues on privacy and security of sensitive, personal, and critical data.

Structuring the process collection, storage, and usage of data sets is an important element of data protection. Modeling the structure is the key element of the protection process.

Advisory on data security systems and processes.
Another important aspect of structuring the process are the checks and balances put in place from the systems security perspective. This aspect of advisory involves the more complex technical structuring of systems and processes aligned as per the Information Technology infrastructure of the company.
GDPR compliance and structuring.

GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is data protection compliance as mandated by the European Union for companies operating from and in Europe. This regulation is also applicable for international companies doing business or running remote operations for the European market. Structuring of the Data Protection as per the framework set under GDPR is key for such companies, failure of which can cost a considerable dent and interruptions in operations.

Data audit and investigations.

Data collection, storage, and usage is a continuous process in any business model, while implementation of the designed structure plays the key role when it comes to protecting the data sets, keeping a continuous watch and monitoring the process for changes or gaps is the only way to a high level of protection. It is advisable to have external audits scheduled to ensure compliance.